13 signs you need to detox your body

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By robb the singh

13 signs you need to detox your body

Everyone talks about detox but we don’t necessarily feel concerned when we’re not on a diet.
However, our modern and industrial food, the air we breathe, and the environment are loaded with toxins and pollutants.
We also know that in the long term these products are dangerous and disrupt our health. The only way to limit the damage is to do a detox.

13 signs you need a detox your body

1- How do I know if I need a detox?

A need following excesses

Sometimes also, we feel guilty because we have abused too much in the preceding period, and we feel the need to cleanse and purify our bodies. Detox is a way to regain well-being.

Even if the liver has a self-cleaning power, the “toxins” accumulate and end up clogging it. Everyone is more or less intoxicated, although some are more resistant to toxins than others. It’s a question of the total charge, there is a moment when it no longer works, whatever we do.

A top self-cleaning system

The body’s detoxification system uses the skin (via sweat and sebum), liver and gallbladder (bile), kidneys (urine), lungs (breath), lymphatic system (lymph), and intestines (stools) to eliminate toxins.

The accumulation of toxic substances- internal (produced by our organs by breaking down nutrients, plus bacteria, fungi, yeasts, hormones, stress) and -external too abundant (pollutants, by-products of cooking, frying, chemicals, additives, alcohol, tobacco, drugs) makes the body sometimes unable to cope.

As a result, our liver becomes sluggish and less responsive, causing some toxins to stay in our bodies longer. Be careful, if you are overweight by definition more exposed to toxins because most chemicals are stored in fatty tissue.

2- The signs that you surely feel

  1. White tongue or bad breath
  2. Congested sinuses or bronchi
  3. Increased waist circumference or bloated belly
  4. Food cravings and blood sugar issues
  5. Digestion difficulties, heartburn
  6. Low alcohol tolerance
  7. Heatstroke or excessive sweating
  8. Difficulty losing weight, water retention
  9. Skin problems, pimples, itching
  10. Fatigue on waking or insomnia
  11. Bad Mood or Anxiety
  12. Muscle or joint pain
  13. Headache

If you have at least 3 of these signs, your liver is probably congested and needs a vacation.

3- The reasons for the detox

Before, you could party and chain meals and outings without flinching. Now if you accumulate two big meals, it’s a disaster. As a result, you gain weight and sleep poorly.

And even with two glasses of alcohol, you feel tipsy, and your liver clinks glasses. In total, you have become more sensitive to alcohol. The reason is age: your liver has a few flight hours. And besides, your body composition has changed.

As we age, we tend to get fatter with less muscle mass. Since alcohol does not distribute in fat, it is more concentrated in your blood.

As a result, your liver gets tired. So much that alcohol toxins take longer to eliminate.

Now, there are two ways your liver works. The first is the oxidation of substances coupled with enzymes to eliminate toxins by making them soluble in water.

The second is conjugation, which is more complicated because the liver must combine oxidized waste with other molecules, amino acids, or sulfur compounds, always to be able to eliminate them.

Finally, these waste products are eliminated naturally in the stool or urine, or bile. But this waste, once oxidized, is too numerous.
Your liver no longer degrades them, resulting in a toxic effect on your liver.

4- How to do a detox?

Detox is a buzzword, and it is not enough to drink juices to restore order to your liver functions. since commercial juices are often sweet.

However, excess sugar is harmful not only to the liver but to the whole body. Prefer homemade detox juices made from protein and coconut water.

Detoxification starts with your diet

First, the foundations of your diet are high-quality proteins, fats, and vegetables (no carbs). These naturally detoxifying, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory foods are to be consumed every day.

Eat healthy and natural foods

What does healthy eating mean?

So focus on organic fruits and vegetables and quality animal products to eliminate toxins, hormones, and antibiotics in your diet.

Choose protein or sulfur-rich foods including eggs, garlic, and onions. The sulfur compound present in broccoli sprouts strongly supports the second phase of liver work.

It works as a catalyst to stimulate detoxification enzymes which turn into antioxidant action that lasts at least 72 hours.

That antioxidant activity has a longer-lasting effect than vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene, while increasing the effectiveness of these vitamins.

Consume antioxidants

The antioxidants are good for health. Everyone says it, but what exactly are antioxidants?

They first neutralize the effects of oxidation. As we said above, to metabolize toxins, the liver uses oxygen to oxidize them.

But each oxidized molecule (it can be cigarette smoke or pesticides) generates a molecule of free radicals. However, long-term free radicals damage DNA and accelerate the aging of cells in our body.

Anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and E, flavonoids, carotenoids, and glutathione help neutralize free radicals produced daily.

Eat spices

Spices are detoxifying and anti-inflammatory, including turmeric, cayenne pepper, thyme, rosemary, chili powder, cumin, sage, oregano, onion powder, cinnamon, cilantro, paprika, and parsley.

Cardamom is a delicious Indian spice that accompanies your dishes. But if you drink coffee, it is interesting because 3-5 cardamom seeds chewed or added to coffee facilitate the metabolism.

Avoid fried foods and refined foods

Do you know the white peril? White flour and white sugar are a threat.

We eat too much sugar and raise blood sugar, damaging your intestines. On the contrary, eat vegetables and especially cabbage.

All cruciferous vegetables 

Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts have an anti-estrogen effect and support both stages of detoxification.

Eliminate excess

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs

No excuses, even if it is difficult. Alcohol prevents the smooth running of the two detoxification phases. Even a small amount of alcohol consumption reduces fertility and increases the risk of breast cancer.

Even if it’s only 5 cigarettes, or one every day, the body must make efforts to eliminate these poisons, and the smoke triggers the free radicals, making you age prematurely.

All stimulants, sedatives, and drugs, caffeine and nicotine are harmful.

To drink a lot

Water certainly, drink 1 liter and a half every day at least. Supplement with one to two cups of green tea daily to increase liver detoxification (increases available enzymes and glutathione).

Promote elimination

If you’re constipated, that’s not a good sign. Toxins are eliminated through the intestines. Going to the bathroom once or twice a day is normal.

If your transit is disturbed, it must be helped. That may include flax seeds, acidophilus-type probiotics, or magnesium citrate.

To exercise

Do a sports session 4 to 5 times a week, alternating cardio, strengthening, and stretching. It’s better to follow your session with a sauna or steam room.

Need To Relax

Remember to relax each day to regain calm and soothe your nervous system. It is needed to reduce stress and anxiety, which are also a form of toxins and set off chain reactions in the body.

Avoid plastic containers, avoid GMOs, chemical additives, pesticides, and industrial foods. prefer organic products for the skin. Following these tips will put your liver to rest. And detox regularly.

5- The liver is a detox champion

Endowed with more than 500 functions the liver metabolizes and detoxifies all food constituents (including caffeine and supplements) and all external toxins to which we are exposed.

Even though your internal detox system is working around the clock to process toxins, it can be a little overwhelming. And we are not all equal before the mass of toxins.

That is because to deal with an influx of free radicals, the body is produce more detoxifying enzymes.

Count on the right supplements to help

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and certain nutrients are necessary for our detoxification system to function optimally.

  • Vitamins and minerals are essential for most metabolic functions, and the detoxification process and enzyme function is one of them. Taking it can help your body temporarily, but not overused because the human body is a complete, self-repairing, self-detoxifying system. It needs to be provided with the right ingredients to help it maintain optimal function.
  • Glutathione is the main detoxifier in the body. It is both an antioxidant and an immune booster. That’s why to maintain our glutathione levels. Our body needs to replenish it all the time. The main nutrients useful for boosting glutathione are zinc and selenium.
  • You can also take N-Acetyl-l-Cysteine ​​(NAC). It is a special amino acid that dramatically increases glutathione levels. Vitamin C 1000 mg is essential in addition to other vitamins.
  • Silymarin called milk thistle has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels. It is combined with other detox ingredients.

Even if your body has unsuspected resources, do not hesitate to help it a little and avoid exposure to substances that are not natural. 


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