Is intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

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By robb the singh

is 16/8 intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

Increasing weight can cause many diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and liver disease. It is necessary to control the increasing weight in time. For this, apart from exercise, dieting, and other methods, the option of intermittent fasting can also be effective.

In new study, 16/8 intermittent fasting not safe for 16 year old because we will trying tell you the safest fasting plan to lose weight eaisly.

Effective intermittent fasting for quick weight loss 16/8

What it is and how it differs from regular fastenings, all the information is given in this article by biggrow. is 16/8 intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old, has also been told in this article.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss 16/8 is a method of fasting for a healthy lifestyle. Unlike a diet, it is a pattern of eating in which there is a fixed time of fasting.

One can start intermittent fasting on 16/8 by choosing the scheduled time as per his convenience. In this, a person can consume food and calorie-rich beverages daily in the prescribed 8 hours, and abstains from food in the remaining 16 hours but can consume water, tea, and plain coffee in the remaining 16 hours.

Intermittent fasting can be beneficial to health to a great extent. It’s a positive effect on reducing body weight and inflammation and other health problems. 

intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old beginners

Those who want intermittent fasting for the first time should take care of the things mentioned below “Intermittent fasting for weight loss“.

Take care of calories –  the consumption of calorie-rich foods did not stop completely during intermittent fasting, but they need to be balanced amounts for a specified time. Calories are controlled by limiting the amount of such food or by reducing the intake of calorie-rich foods.

Start with short-term fasting – Individuals doing intermittent fasting for the first time can keep the duration of the fast short in the beginning. Also, keep fasting only once or twice a week. Gradually increase the duration of fasting to the prescribed time.

Keep in mind the time of fasting – Keep in mind that eat food three to four hours before sleeping. After that take good sleep of seven to eight hours. With this, a person will be able to fast for 11 hours easily. the duration of the fast is to be increased in the meantime, then do not eat anything for one to two hours after getting up.

Keep yourself hydrated – It is also necessary for a person to keep himself hydrated during fasting, especially those who are doing intermittent fasting for the first time.

Doctor’s advice – To avoid any kind of health problem during fasting, it would be good to talk to the doctor or dietician once about intermittent fasting. The doctor may advise to do it or not to do it depending on the health condition. 

What to eat during intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

During intermittent fasting for weight loss, the time has chosen to eat that maximum nutritious food should be consumed. As mentioned above, there are many types of intermittent fasting, but one thing that is common in all types is that the time of fasting lasts a little longer.

In such a situation, a person should keep in mind that he should take nutritious food so that there is no weakness or health problem. During this, there are not many restrictions on the food items, just the calories are limited. In such a situation, these food items are consumed during intermittent fasting.

  • A high-fiber diet (whole fruits, grains, and vegetables) are consumed during intermittent fasting. These diets can help in weight control by keeping the stomach full for a longer period.
  • Fruits and juices are consumed for breakfast. Apart from this, one can also include foods of his choice. Keep in mind, that the food items should be rich in nutrition, and the amount of protein in them should not be high.
  • Intermittent fasting also recommends consuming a limited amount of a calorie-rich diet, but its quantity should not exceed 500 kcal.
  • If someone is on the Warrior Diet, he can consume protein-rich foods (milk, fish, eggs, meats, lentils, beans, chicken, and low-fat milk products) on the advice of the dietician.
  • Also, drink water and other fluids during intermittent fasting, so that there is no problem of dehydration in the body.

Note – The mentioned foods for intermittent fasting are based on estimates, so please contact the dietician for the correct information.

Diet plan intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

It is the easiest and most popular method of Intermittent fasting for weight loss. In this, fasting is done for 16 hours, and 8 hours is kept for eating. This type of intermittent fasting is also called the 8-hour diet or time-restricted diet.

For example- if a person has his breakfast at 9 in the morning, then he can have the last meal of the whole day at 5 in the evening. After that again the person has to fast till the next morning.

Seven days intermittent fasting meal plan safe for 16 year old

The information to be shared below is for 16/8 intermittent fasting eg. Individuals can modify the food items present in it as per their wish and requirement.

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

1- First day

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  • Chicken salad or khichdi, curd, and salad

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • A vegetable mixed with paneer and green vegetables and roti or rice as needed

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

2- 2nd day

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  • Grilled vegetables + curd and a piece of dark chocolate

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • Chicken or veg soup + a piece of dark chocolate or salad, lentils, one vegetable, and roti

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

3- Third day

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  •  Pasta or sandwich

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  •  Salad, lentils, rice or roti, and vegetables

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

4- Fourth day

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  •   Noodles

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • Chicken Tikka or Paneer Tikka or Mushroom-Matar Masala and Roti

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

5- Day five

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  • Grilled fish and salad or Grilled vegetables and salad

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • Paneer or Paneer curry with vegetables and rice or noodles + ice cream of your choice

From 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

6- Day 6

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  • A vegetable, salad or curd, lentils, and rice or roti

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • Grilled chicken, hummus, and pita bread (available in the market) or food of your choices like dal, sabzi, or roti

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

7- Seventh-day

From getting up in the morning till 12 in the day

  • Fast

12 noon (1st mile)

  • Fish, egg, or chicken curry with rice, any curry of your choice for vegetarians, rice, lentils, salad

The last meal is between 4 pm to 8 pm

  • Boiled potatoes and salad or any light dinner of your choice

from 8 o’clock till bedtime

  • fast

Other benefits of intermittent fasting

  • keep the heart healthy
  • Beneficial in reducing harmful cholesterol
  • Improving Insulin Sensitivity
  • Promote cellular repair and autophagy
  • beneficial for cancer
  • beneficial for the brain
  • Beneficial for inflammation and blood pressure

Some tips during and after intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

  • Those who are fasting for the first time should first consult a specialist or doctor.
  • It started with short-duration fasting.
  • To keep yourself hydrated during fasting, drink more and more water and drink fluids.
  • Light exercises are done during fasting. Do not exercise if you feel weak.
  • Take a light diet to break intermittent fasting.
  • Never break your fast with a heavy diet.
  • Do not do intermittent fasting or make a habit of it continuously.
  • If someone has health-related problems, then they should not do intermittent fasting.
  • Avoid eating junk foods during and after fasting.

When not to do intermittent fasting safe for 16 year old

Intermittent fasting for weight loss is a type of fasting, so the person should know when it not be done.

  • If someone’s weight is less than necessary, then they should not do intermittent fasting.
  • If the doctor has advised not to do intermittent fasting, then do not do fasting.
  • Do not do this fasting in serious health problems.
  • Pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid intermittent fasting.
  • Children and teenagers should not do this fasting.

If someone is taking medicines related to blood pressure or heart disease, then definitely consult a doctor

Disadvantages of Intermittent Fasting

  • Headache may be a problem.
  • Constipation may be a problem.
  • Not eating can lead to irritability or mood swings.
  • The desire to eat may increase further.
  • There may be trouble with dizziness.
  • Weakness or lack of energy may be felt

We hope that now you have well understood the benefits of intermittent fasting. Along with this, information about its different types and food-related things related to it would also have been known. In such a situation, if you are thinking of doing intermittent fasting for weight loss, then read the article “Intermittent fasting for weight loss” thoroughly and talk to your doctor about it.

Frequently asked questions

Q.1. Can we drink coffee or tea during intermittent fasting?

During intermittent fasting, herbal tea can be consumed instead of normal tea and coffee, but for this, you must consult a doctor.

Q.2. Can the consumption of apple cider vinegar break intermittent fasting?

No, apple cider vinegar is consumed during intermittent fasting. At the same time, if someone is allergic to it, then not consume it.

Q.3. How long should intermittent fasting be kept?

It depends on the type of intermittent fasting that the person is doing intermittent fasting. It also depends on the health of the person, but do not extend the duration beyond 16 hours.

Q.4. Can we drink water during intermittent fasting?

Yes, we have also given information about this in the article that during intermittent fasting one should drink water regularly to stay hydrated.


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