10 Tips to Force Your Body Bulk Up Fast

You need approximately 2800 calories to gain a pound of muscle and more require to promote protein turnover.

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Resistance training

If you want to bulk up, then stimulate muscle growth by training more often.

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Compound exercises

Compound lifts are exercises that work for several muscle groups at once.


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Variety of rep ranges

Varying rep ranges is incredibly beneficial when you’re trying to go big fast.


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Train closer to muscle failure

you should aim to push yourself to the limit to get that extra rep or two every set.


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Ease off on cardio

Cardio exercises such as cycling and running are excellent for burning tons of calories.


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protein and healthy fats

you should consume four to 2.0 grams of protein per kilo of your body weight every day.


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Include protein in each meal

it’s advised to consume at least 20 to 30 grams of protein with each meal.


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Focus on Calorie surpluses

aim to eat around 250 to 500 additional calories per day.


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Take Creatine Supplement

Creatine can help you perform 14% more reps than you can without supplements.


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Casein Protein

Snack on Casein Protein Before Bed Casein protein has been a staple among bodybuilders for a very long time.


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