light weight vs heavy weight workout for muscle growth
In bodybuilding, one confuses the selection of heavier or lighter weights to gain good muscle mass.
Athletes in the gym lift too much weight and end up injuring themselves. Most people have to work hard to gain muscle and carve their bodies.

This method is not a problem for a fit, strong, and well-built athlete. But fragile people easily injure themselves, developing tendinitis over and over again should you rest assured. You don’t have to lift tons to gain muscle!
Heavyweight or lightweight
Remember that the goal of practicing bodybuilding is to develop muscle mass. That is why bodybuilding helps to gain muscle mass. You have to do short sets (less than 10) and work hard to gain muscle.
A study published in 2012 sheds light on muscle gain and the load required. To summarize this, the idea was to compare muscle gains in 10 weeks with three different programs done 3 times a week:
- A series at 80% of the maximum load until failure in 8 to 12 repetitions.
- Three chains on the same principle as the previous group.
- Three sets of 25 to 30 repetitions at 30% of maximum load, always until failure.
Gain muscle without crushing under the bar!
The two groups that did three sets at the end of 10 weeks had developed roughly the same amount of muscle mass. The only difference is that the group lifting the heavier weights developed slightly more strength. On the other hand, the group that lifted heavy weights on only one set developed only half that muscle mass.
Train heavy to build muscle
Building muscle is a goal that requires a lot of time and hard work. To achieve this training is necessary to follow the program.
It will allow the athlete to develop muscle, while primarily soliciting strength fibers. It is necessary to articulate the program around various basic exercises with free weights such as bench press, deadlift, squat, shoulder press, or rowing.
These lead to more secretion of testosterone, which is ideal for building muscle volume. They employ large muscle groups, such as the pectoral, dorsal, quadriceps, or biceps, as well as several joints. Then do isolation exercises to target the muscles and vary the pleasures.
A rhythm of three to four 60-minute workouts per week should help achieve this goal. Rest steps are also important in injury prevention.
You should do no more than 5 sets of 6 repetitions per exercise when you train heavily. Between each series, the break time should be longer, from 120 to 180 seconds, and play a required role.
Light training to develop muscular endurance
Working on your muscular endurance is completely different from aiming for mileage. It is aimed at athletes recovering from injury, athletes looking for a complementary activity in bodybuilding to their core exercise, or those wishing to lose weight.
Looking to develop muscular resistance with lighter weights. For example, it is possible to synergize muscle mass and endurance by adding isolation exercises to the anterior deltoid.
A muscular endurance program provides an increase in fiber thus making it possible to develop muscular contraction. In this context, the efforts are less intense, and the sessions are less painful for the muscles.
However, don’t resist heavy workouts and light workouts. As cycles are used in a complementary way. For example- These programs dedicated to endurance incorporated into a long-term mass gain objective in the form of recovery sessions.
A practitioner who trains heavily receives an increase in strength and an increase in muscle mass.
Conversely, an athlete who trains light will develop their endurance and promote fat loss because they will burn more calories, to the detriment of mass gain.
If you want to lose weight in addition to your sport, we invite you to consult this guide and opinion on fat burners in the article.
Understand that one or the other of these orientations is therefore chosen according to the objectives to be achieved.